Sunday 26 November 2017

November 26, 2017 :: Today's Words: 755 :: Total Words: 29,482

“I know that,” replied Florian. “I’m just frustrated.”

The old man didn’t say anything more, he just sat in his chair and looked at Florian.

Florian looked around the room again. Nothing had changed. He looked up at the window, which was below ground level and only revealed a window well and people’s feet walking past. It seemed to be daytime outside.

Florian looked back at the old man. “What’s your name, anyway?”


Someone knocked at the door. “Enter,” called Ohnmar.

Sesuna opened the door. “Has there been progress?” she asked.

“He is closed to me,” said Ohnmar. “The geong si will struggle to use him.”

Florian frowned at Ohnmar. “Geong si? What’s that?”

Sesuna shook her head at him and gestured toward the door. “Do not worry about that. Come with me.”

Reluctantly, Florian rose and exited the room. Sesuna followed.

“What was that about?” he asked her once the door was closed again.

She looked around, then took hold of his arm and dragged him down another tunnel. “Ohnmar communes with the geong si.”

“But what is it?”

“You would call them zombies. The undead. Thanatos rules over them.”

Florian rolled his eyes. “Zombies aren’t real.”

Sesuna was deadly serious in her response. “Indeed, they are. And you will be sorry if you meet them. Stay close. I can help you if we run into the geong si, but only if you are with me.”

Did your character just see Porygon? Or was it something else?

Timothy, Lila, and Sophie were having an intense discussion in the park about their missing things when they saw the Porygon. It looked like a blue and red duck made out of huge sheets of origami paper. It didn’t walk, but rather slid along on legs that looked rather like tank tires.

“How do we find out why we’re seeing these?” asked Sophie.

Timothy shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Maybe we can find an adult who can see them,” said Lila.

Sophie rolled her eyes. “This seems like something most adults aren’t going to even care about, or believe. Anyway, we need to find our stuff more than we need to know why we’re seeing Pokémon.”

“Yeah, I guess,” said Timothy. “So let’s go over the list again. What are you guys missing?”

Sophie sighed. “Adam Levine.”

Lila nodded. “My teddies.”

Timothy frowned. “Anything else?”

The girls shook their heads. “Not yet. What about you?” Lila asked.

“I haven’t lost anything else since the pirates.”

“But you got those back.”

Timothy nodded. “They were in my closet.”

“How did they get there?” asked Sophie.

“I don’t know,” said Timothy. “They were just… there.”

The kids all looked at each other.

“Maybe we need to look in a weird place,” said Lila.

“Right. But, like, where?” asked Sophie.

They all put their chins in their hands and started trying to think of something.

Your character just received a delivery from Albaldah. When they open it, they find enough rum so she does not care about the time any more. Why was it sent to them?

Timothy found another package on the doorstep when he went home after the meeting in the park. This one was addressed to his mother. He dragged it into the living room and called her.

She took one look at the package and called Jill, who again arrived with a team to assess the package. It said it had come from Albaldah, which was another star. Nobody knew why it had that address on it. It was shortly assessed as safe, and so she opened it.

It was a large wooden crate, and when the lid was pried off they all pulled out packing material and bottles.

There were a lot of bottles.

All told, close to fifty of them.

Of rum.

Your character enters Ain al Rami. There see jello.. How do they react?

Alaina travelled to Ain al Rami that night. The trip was similar to all of her other star travels to date: she found herself in a large room and got up to explore. This time the room was lime green and slightly translucent. When she stood up, she could see that the walls were also slightly jiggly, kind of like Jell-O. The entire room shook with each step, and she soon realized that it was actually made of Jell-O.

The sensation was very disorienting, and she returned to her bed in short order. A Jell-O room was definitely not on the list of things she wanted to deal with.

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